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7/12/2016 5:51:44 PM

I could be wrong...

It just seems to me like a bunch of unhappy folks on the forums. Weren't these made with the expressed intent on lobbying legitimate concerns or complaints? There's no animosity to those that want better for the game and also for those that are just whining. To me, and this is just my opinion, I think the game is well balanced for the most part. Sure, it could use a tweak here or there, but to throw insults and demand changes to fit the desires of an individual... That just seems childish. It's like a younger sibling running to their parents because the older brother is doing something better. I'd like to see small changes, mostly cosmetic mind you, but I'm not going to throw a tantrum if I don't get my way. Now, I'll reiterate myself, this is not mud slinging and I'm not trying to start a salt war. This is just one persons opinion. Bungee will make changes as they see fit to fix what they think is a necessity to fix. Thank you for your time reading this and I do hope things get better for all. :)
#feedback #Nosalt

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