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Общее обсуждение Destiny.
впервые опубликовано в:Qubit
Изменено (PostulateMatrix): 7/1/2016 7:39:28 PM

Grimoire in Destiny

Do you like PS exclusives?


Do you think the system of grimoire is good?


If you could change grimoire how would you?


I am a year one player but up until now I did not know the importance of a good grimoire score. I had no I idea some raid teams would kick me just because of a lower grimoire, or not being able to compete in trials of osiris because of my grimoire. This fact has annoyed me and I hate now that I cant go back and complete a few extra wolves bounties or the urn of sacrifice. My problem is that grimoire was never explained well and was marketed even worse. Also I hate the fact that the only exotic in all of destiny that actually has grimoire attached to it is for now a PS exclusive (For now). Now I know grimoire was never supposed to be so important that you would get kicked from a raid team but the fact is this is the way it is. I have no solution to it for now but I would like to hear your opinion and my fellow clan mates opinions. Our clan is Qubit BTY.

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