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впервые опубликовано в:Malevolent Scar
Изменено (Dredgen Swan): 7/1/2016 8:11:06 AM

Clan Recruitment Application

Fill this out in this forum post, as we will assess you and let you know! [b][I]Name (real or shortened gamertag, we like to be personal while playing): Age: Country: Time Zone (makes it easier for others to know when they can play with you): Gamertag: Division (PvE, PvP, or PvE/PvP, which best suits what you play most/are best at): What is your Specialities? (roles in Raids, PvP, Trials, etcetera. Are you a Sniper? Do you run a mean Shotty? Do you take Gaze during Golgoroth? Sword Bearer? Etcetera): If PvE: Roughly how familiar would you said you are with the Raid mechanics, Heroic and Nightfall modifiers, etcetera?: If PvP: Give us some of your stats (ELO in main match types like Trials, Iron Banner, overall. Overall K/D, W/L, maybe even DTR Score if you are willing. DTR not required: How much and often do you play?: What skill level would you rate yourself as 1-10, 1 being complete noob, 10 being God-Like pro: Twitch/Streamer? Yes/No: If yes, link us your Twitch!: [/b][/I] We will look at them as they are submitted, and get back to you! From your friendly community manager: Good luck, Guardian, xDXSwantanx

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