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Общее обсуждение Destiny.
Изменено (Ghostfoxx105): 6/24/2016 7:21:04 PM

You made me

Hunters are top dog in PVP? I was a Warlock. WAS being the operative word. Year one I ignored my Hunter. After many trips in raids, strikes etc., I tired of being a floaty grenade-monger. Titans were in abundance in my group so I started a Hunter. I wanted to do it all again with a class I ignored. Turns out it was a well balanced class joyed being a filthy casual Warlock (had two of them). Then TTK happened. Surprisingly. I'm shade-stepping and shooting arrows? I loved it. I was very quiet through most of the major nerfs at the tail end of year one. I accepted that most of the weapons we all loved wear left behind. Basically I switched because I was left very little to do in PVE. I'm not the only one many of my group moved on to other games others tried new experiences with a neglected class like I did. I played PVP because I love this game. So you're telling me Hunters are used more in PVP? Take a look in the mirror. You made me. [spoiler]nerf the nerfs[/spoiler]

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