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6/23/2016 6:23:36 AM

Why can Inot buy The Taken King By itself ata discounted price?

I mean that's simply ridiculous. I have the original game, expansion 1, and expansion 2 already... why would I pay to redownload them.... for a 25 lvl character boost?... all my characters are 25+ as well... so I have to buy all of this extra stuff i do not need or want because i supported the game too early... are you serious... like I'm pretty sure its amazingly simple to put a stand alone taken king DL for a lower price then package deals.... like wow... cmon bungie... why?.. youd figure that the players that owned ex1, ex2, & 25+ Characters would be able to buy a stand alone dlc literally for the facts just listed... idk how that idea isn't just common mate?

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