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Изменено (The_Metador): 6/21/2016 3:41:20 AM

Rest In Peace Anton Yelchin

Most notable for his role as Chekov in the Star Trek the young actor died outside his home. He made me and my family laugh in the reboot and it's sequel. He will be missed. Edit: Jeuscifer informed me that there is a picture of Yelchin walking ducks in the rain and I had to include it. Other forumers here have improved this thread by making me aware of his filmography which includes [i]Charlie Bartlett[/i], [i]Alpha Dog[/i], [i]Odd Thomas[/i], and [i]Terminator: Salvation[/i]. Thank you TxGinger, MaliusStarKiller, Lady Ghost, and Guiro for your contributions and everyone else for keeping it positive even when lamenting. 🐦 🐦☔🚶 [spoiler][/spoiler]

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