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впервые опубликовано в: Is reforging really that bad?
Изменено (Slate4906): 6/17/2016 5:20:16 PM
Yes, some people have god rolled guns, but they had to work hard for it or get lucky. Reforging would effectively kill armsday and any desire players have to try out other weapons besides the top tier weapons. For Example you get a tuonela sr4, the highest stability medium impact scout in the game, and get garbage roles and then you have another scout rifle that has "meh" base stats but has a god roll. You are more like to use the "meh" with the god roll, over the tuonela sr4. With weapon reforging, players are gonna be sticking to the favorable base stats weapons, because anything else is counter-productive, and keep reforging them until they get a god roll and that's just going to leave the other weapons dismantled or in a vault. Reforging would also kill this game faster for a lot of people. If you don't want to grind for a weapon this game is not for you. Bungie is all for weapon diversity, so no, it's not coming back.

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