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Общее обсуждение Destiny.
6/16/2016 5:54:53 AM

Rise of Iron Console Discussion

I wanted to see how people felt about Bungie moving forward doing different content for the old gen and current gen consoles Honestly I feel like this is a great move forward in terms of bringing out the best quality with Destiny moving forward. We are 3 years into the current gen life cycle. At this point we need to move forward and create the best game for these consoles. Legacy consoles served their purpose. However there should really be no excuse for someone to not be able to afford an XB1 or a PS4. We also have to look at the limitations that have been placed on this game up to this point. I want to see what Bungie can do knowing they don't have to factor in the Legacy gen. I'm sure this will piss people off, sadly though it's time to move forward and see what This game can really do. What do you guys Think?

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