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Общее обсуждение Destiny.
Изменено (CorvusLumen): 6/16/2016 1:58:48 AM


Okay so i was reading a link on the new dlc, one from Facebook to one of the big gaming news outlets and apparently at E3 one of the guys says the gally may be back to its former pre nerf self. There is a big chance it may be. If we hold out on pre ordering they might just make it so. Link below No one wants a pre nerfed gally.. Stop complaining about the LFG posts like only gally and must have, the gally will be the same iron or normal if they un nerf it and you will get it from a quest. So no one can say no gally or kick... There will be plenty of other cool guns to come. This is most likely why they will un nerf it or raise said damage again. [spoiler]also my coconut oiled vagina says not to pre order till a month away [/spoiler]
#Destiny #gally

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