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5/14/2016 4:14:15 AM

Stop bitching. PLEASE

Everyone complains that everything is nerfed and they took all the fun stuff away. Well it's all your freaking fault. You get killed by a certain gun? Nerf that shit! You get killed by a certain super? Nerf that shit! Have to much ammo? Nerf that shit! You got good rewards? Need that shit! This game was fun in year1 because it wasn't controlled by twitch streamers and youtubers, now it's just nerf this nerf that, I got killed bungo punish them. Just stop complaining and maybe the game wouldn't be so unbalanced and shitty like it is right now. Learn that some people are better than you and just because you got a good weapon ( the gjallarhorn in year1 ) doesn't mean you are better than anyone and doesn't mean you have the right to act like you own the place. And you guys can't say I'm a noob that hasn't been playing for long because I've had multiple accounts and I've done pretty much everything you can since destiny launched. So just stfu and stop bitching. PLEASE Your ruining the game for everyone else who actually likes playing it.

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