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Общее обсуждение Destiny.
6/6/2016 7:09:13 PM

Gunsmith Disappointment

OK so like a lot of you i have been playing Destiny for the better part of two years... well I have been since the alpha but who is counting. I was drawn to the game for the story the environments and play style. I stayed because there was a lot to do. Sure the game is the same missions, but for a completionist like me there have been a ton of drops to get. Well I am slowly getting the faction exotic quests done and enjoying the game while doing so. There is a faction though that I have leveled that I thought would bear some secret hidden fruit. The Gunsmith. Well I am (as far as I know) the only person that has leveled him to 25. (I have provided an image as evidence of the fact that I have no life.) I was very disappointed to learn that you do not get anything from him at 25. I mean this is a likely several centuries old EXO that is only known as the gunsmith. I was really expecting a unique quest or something for grinding as much as I did. No shader, no Emblem, no gun, no ... well anything. Just a gun that I had seen ... a lot of times before. What does the rest of the community think? Should I have just not wasted my time. Will Bungie add stuff for the faction.

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