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Изменено (I Love Mai Waifu): 6/4/2016 4:18:29 PM

Why Airheads Are The Best Candy

[b]1. They taste good[/b] Like any candy should, Airheads taste delicious. With a variety of fruit flavors, it's easy to find one you'll like. [spoiler]Orange is the best[/spoiler] [b]2. They help strengthen your jaw[/b] Airheads are very difficult to chew. As you chew you're exercising your jaw. This means you're burning calories and strengthening your jaw muscles. Can any other candy do that? [b]3. Chewing fatigue keeps you from eating too much[/b] It's incredibly easy to binge on candy and end up eating way too much. That's not a problem with Airheads. They'll tire out your jaw so you won't want to eat any more. That way you can overcome the draw of sugar before you've eaten them all. [b]TL;DR[/b] I can't control myself so I need my candy to tire me out so I don't eat too much.

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