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Общее обсуждение Destiny.
6/4/2016 12:54:01 AM

Faction lvling like a pro

Another how to By CPKing You reach end game and you've nothing to do but get to the light house or get that one great gun RNG has deprived you from and then stumble onto a self proclaimed quest like, I want that faction ship, shader, or exotic class item to finish up my set. Here's how to do it. Donations Motes This will get you to the top the quickest. Donate most of your Motes of light (save at least 40-50 for upgrade purposes) Don't spend them on anything else. Don't use them as shortcuts for stuff you're going to get anyways later. Do not buy them from Xur. It's a waste of coin. Strange coins Spend all of them on heavy ammo synth and donate all but 20 per toon to be safe. 33 SC = 1 faction Lvl Gun Smith Buy weapon parts not heavy ammo synth. Granted it takes a lot of glimmer, but every bit helps. Heavy ammo synth glimmer to rep ratio is more costly. Do all your bounties to get as many motes and SC as you can along with strikes to get plenty of engrams for the same. And level up with everything to get the +4 stuff you get from packages. All of this is time consuming but the fastest way to see results. GL my fellow guardian.

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