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5/25/2016 1:43:42 PM

♛ Friendly, Active , Talented and large clan recruiting new members ! ♛

** EXTREMELY IMPORTANT NOTICE FOR ALL MEMBERS !! ** we have created a sister clan called the Sticky Socks inc, this is a the exact same as this clan its just to help us expand Sticky Socks into a Global empire so become a member and we will begin our Global conquest!! we have an Alliance with this clan so you can easily join the group by clicking on the top right of our group wall were it says "Alliance Nav" "Sticky Socks LTD" is a large community of active, skilled players ranging from the ages of 16 to 55. We have lots of fun and enjoyment and accomplish so much as a clan. We are a very strong community of friends who back each other up until the end no matter what the problem. We are a large clan of over 300 members and are always active. Doing events like Flawless trails, Iron banner, Oryx raids (hard,normal and challenge modes). So whatever your skill level we will all help you raise your guardian and accomplish any goals that you need. From simple fun clan events like clan sparrow racing to more intense games of Crucible and challenging raids. Sticky Socks LTD will help you through the lot. And with the growing numbers we have decided to create a branching clan called 'Sticky Socks inc' We have some of the top PVP and PVE players who will help you through anything you need such as, quests ,crucible events and raids. We always have a good time while doing it and no matter your light level we will help you achieve the best light level possible. We welcome all new members into our clan and the link above will link you to our clan page were you can quickly join. So get in on the action and have the most fun you could have in Destiny. "And as our motto goes: We Stick Together, Fight Together, Die Together!! follow us: youtube: Sticky Socks LTD twitter: Sticky Socks LTD

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