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Общее обсуждение Destiny.
5/12/2016 8:22:38 PM

The Gjallarhorn... What Happened To It?

I could tell you about how we'd grind Crota, VoG, Nightfalls,, and the off chance of Crucible and Strikes to get the fabled Gjally. I could tell you about the giddy excitement of seeing that white and gold in the yellow square pop upon the right hand of our screens. Turning grown men into children receiving their first game console on Christmas morning. I could tell you of how we would exclude those who did not own a Gjallarhorn from raids, POE, and sometimes even Nightfalls, and request it a requirement in LFG. I could tell you how salty and angry people would get upon seeing others get their 8th and dismanltling it, even making YouTube videos of it. I could tell you of the regret many felt when they saw Xur was selling one on his second week, but many passed because "it would be a waste to use your exotic slot for a rocket launcher." I could tell you that the Gjallarhorn was the third highest trending topic on Facebook when Xur finally sold it for a second time. I could tell you how quickly we would obliterate bosses, watching their yellow bars of health dwindle in seconds. I could tell you why we called Solar burn Gallarburn. There were many nerfs rumored throughout the forums to salt the Guardians. Lately those nerfs have stopped. Now, the Guardians are salty anyway.

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