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впервые опубликовано в: Captain America: Civil War Discussion Thread SPOILERS!!
5/11/2016 1:18:15 AM
The action was great, the characters were great, the story was meh imo. I loved spidey and black panther and the best thing the movie did was a great job of setting a strong foundation for both going forward. Zemo was a good villian, but I really wish they would have kept cross bones alive longer somehow because I was really liking his character. Just make sw remove the explosives or something instead of throwing him into the building idk lol. The airport scene was perfection. Every character got moments to shine and that is very difficult to do with that many people. I know I mentioned the characters earlier but Tom Holland and Chadwick bosman were excellent and played the characters wonderfully and I can't wait for the solo films. It was a good movie that did a lot of things well. I'm over caps man crush on bucky though. I get it and everything, childhood friends and all that, but it's just not something I want to keep watching every cap movie

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