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Общее обсуждение Destiny.
Изменено (Zangetsu219): 5/10/2016 1:09:08 PM

Honoring A Fallen Guardian: A True Tribute

One of my close friends died recently and Destiny has been what I have been using to help me through this. It has helped me to keep my mind from the loss. He was young only 31 and had blood clot in his ventrical while at work. Sadly he was less then 1/4 Mile away from a major hospital and yet they still took who know how long to arrive. He was just getting back into Destiny again. He had deleted his accounts because he wanted to start over with Character creations aspect of the game. He helped me start the clan Final Justice. To make matters worse he had just gotten married less than two months ago......WTF !!!!! Destiny and NBA 2K were his favorite games (also Madden of course) and I will never be able to experience this with him again. So I figured why not put this here as a lasting momento , always there. Always on the internet. So anyone who died by his hand in the crucible and who padded their stats (because he really wasnt that great in the crucible) could pay their respects. R.I.P. Billy Love You Bro ! Edit 1: To the guy who so had a comment which pretty much said I was lying. My friends real name is James "Billy" Morgan Edit 2: Billz4rm585 was his new gamer tag after he started 3 new characters. Edit 3: Thank You to everyone helping me make him a Legend ! Edit 4: (5/10) Grief is contagious...I had a Stroke on March 20th.....the Worst thing ever. Odd being that I survived and he didn't but they were both caused by totally different issues.

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