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Изменено (Leafgreen26): 5/9/2016 11:00:11 PM

I Can't Seem to Pick up My Armsday Orders!

On May 4th, 2016, I had ordered a Suros PDX-45. I was in a rush to get to school, so I decided to take a look at the rolls before I left. I decided on one with Perfect Balance, Full Auto, and Rifled Barrel. However, when I tried to purchase it, it wouldn't let me. I tried exiting the Gunsmith's menu, restarting my game, and even restarting my PS4, but I wasn't able to get my Armsday order. My internet connection was at 94%, so I don't think that is the problem. I ended up just deleting the order itself. If anyone else has or had this problem can you describe how you handled the situation? I know that Bungie doesn't give specific weapons to individual people, but would it be possible for Bungie to have this [i]roll[/i] and [i]weapon[/i] as an Armsday order for next week? Thanks in advance for your help.

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