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впервые опубликовано в:Brotherhood of Xur
5/3/2016 11:44:28 PM

BoX Podcast Ep. 38

This week on the Official Brotherhood of Xûr Podcast! DarkSnip3r TJ is joined by the BoX's Instagram Extraordinaire ChiTown USMC to discuss this past week's Iron Banner event and how it felt as part of the New April Update. Here's a Spoiler: It was awesome. The Weather recap spelled Purple Rain for all guardians and Lord Saladin's Drops were "Bountiful" (Pun absolutely intended.) Which is completely contrary to the level of "drop" that the new version of the Winter's Run Strike has. Hear us rant about that, and so much more this week on the only Destiny Podcast that is Yelling Timber. So you better move, you better listen. [url=]Enjoy here for SoundCloud.[/url] [url=]Here for iTunes.[/url]

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