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Общее обсуждение Destiny.
4/23/2016 10:17:53 PM

Always Online. Is it still a good thing?





Not bothered


I have never been a fan of "Always Online" games. The idea that you can't play without an internet connections always felt like I was forced to have something I didn't need or want, because it is. Does being required to have a solid internet connection to Bungie's servers stop hackers/cheaters? Most of the time. People always find ways around security measures to ruin someone's day but it's far less likely to happen in an always online game which is good. Unfortunately that's the only good point to always online games. Destiny when it came out on release I had a ridiculous amount of issues playing the story by myself because of Bungie's servers being unable to handle all the connections happening at the same time. My initial experience of the game was that of frustration caused by being kicked into space when almost completing a mission and having to start all over again. Playing in a party made disconnects worse leaving players to sit around and wait for their friend to join back into the session before everyone else disconnects and the game ends. That was then. Now servers are more reliable, games run smoother and players can play with little issue; Unless you're an unlucky Xbox One player and unable to play the game you purchased at all because of the Always Online policy. It's even worse when you realise that eventually Destiny's Servers will shut down and it will be impossible to play the game at all. It could happen sooner than you think if Bungie Decide Destiny 2 or 3 won't run on the same server code used for Destiny 1 and they just shut down the Destiny 1 servers and replace them for their other games. Your Destiny from day one will be a glorified Frisbee. All the missions you played and the story of the game gone, for everyone. That scenario is even more likely to be used just to push sales for their newer games. They did it with the Taken King by making Year one redundant just to push those sales so they could just nuke the first game's servers to push people into buying the newer games. Why is this a good thing? Why does the idea that Hackers would be less likely to wreak havoc be worth losing the ability to play the game at all after a certain point? To cause so much frustration from the beginning because either your internet or Bungie's servers were/are unreliable? Halo wasn't always Online and Bungie were famed for their effective use of the banhammer. Despite being on a console that was plagued with exploits and hackers Halo remained an enjoyable hack free game. (This comes from personal experience as I had played roughly 7000 games on multiplayer in Halo 3 and only encounters a small handful of cheaters; Less than 20.) Do you think that Always Online has improved your Destiny experience or that it should remain through the whole series? I'm interested to hear if anyone agrees with me.

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