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Изменено (YeBlunts): 4/19/2016 7:09:35 PM

NERF SUNBREAKERS! the new fusions of Destiny

Fusions were the laughing stock of the community for a while because bungie would just nerf them even though we asked for buffs... Now that theyre decent i think sunbreakers take the title of "im using this for shits n giggles" Pve ammo changes have already made it to the community wishlist not even a week after the update. Yet its been 7 months since sunbreakers were nerfed into extinction and bungie has yet to even mention it. The class is still usable because the sunspot build wasnt nerfed as much. But now tracking? What tracking haha. Explosive pyre? Useless in pvp now. Cauterize? Oh ok sunbreakers get a cooldown on health regen but no other class does nice i see u bungie.

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