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Завтра Destiny 2 будет временно недоступна в связи с плановым техобслуживанием. Следите за новостями @BungieHelp.


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Изменено (Psyalac): 4/18/2016 1:42:09 AM

New BETA League/Sweat Clan

Hello to all competitive guardians out there. [quote]I strive on helping people become better then they are on their own. I've taught players across the forums-- from the worst to the best. It has always been a great plesure of mine to bring out the best "you" you can possibly achieve. Lately, I've discovered that it takes more then one person to improve. To really become better then you already are. You must face the best. This clan strives on putting you against tough opponents in order to help you improve. Talon is a school, and an opportunity. Become one of us.[/quote] Talon has just launched in [i]Beta[/i]. Joining is completely open without any skill/stat limitations what-so-ever. When the clan is fully launched, we will host League games against other competitive clans, competitive sweats, and private lessons. [b]Social Media Links:[/b] (Website in development) [b]To join our beta launch make sure you are an Xbox player, then proceed here: [/b] The first 10 players who join will be rewarded with Crucible help in all areas (trials caries, stat farming, etc). The first 3 players will be given[b] free, entitled lessons[/b] in an area of their choice. Here at Talon we will teach you [b]how to strike where it hurts.[/b]

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