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Общее обсуждение Destiny.
4/12/2016 12:53:31 PM

Display Light Level on UI instead of Character Level

Just a thought, but wouldn't it make more sense to display a fellow Guardian's light level on their marker, rather than their Character level? I would say that the vast majority of Guardians are level 40, but it doesn't tell you much about their actual capability (Could be 180 light or 320, both show "40"). It seems like a display of their current light level would be more informative. Also, enemy markers could show "recommended Light" rather than "level". After all, isn't the recommended light vs. Guardian light what determines damage dealt and received? I know there are exceptions and adjustments made, but I would rather see a big red "320" over that Taken Knight's head than a "41", it would tell me more about my chances of success.....

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