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Общее обсуждение Destiny.
4/13/2016 1:16:52 PM

A sad love story

I'll admit, I heard about you before we met, and it was not what you could do that attracted me to you, and not your looks, even though they were nice, no. It was your story. Let me explain... As you know, your previous relationship started good. Your man was noble, and honorable. But then, you were forced to do horrible, unspeakable things, which eventually were the cause of his own death. You called out, abandoned and alone, yearning to be redeemed for the light. I wanted to be the one. I wanted to be the guy who would carry you, through thick and thin, to see to it that you were, in fact, redeemed. As a matter of fact, when I came to rescue you, I went through hell and faced impossible odds, but I saved you at last and I was, finally at that moment, who I wanted to be with you: the guy who brought you out of the darkness and into the light. Through thick and thin, I made sure you were right at my side. When I first admitted that I was in a relationship with you, they all laughed. They said you were "useless." But I showed them. I proved you weren't so bad after all, and then you became stronger. It was at that point that everyone wanted you, and those who didn't have you grew jealous. They searched and searched for days to get you too. But they, my love, only wanted you because of your abilities. I still kept you because I wanted to be your hero. I still wanted to see that you were redeemed. You needed me, and so I stayed with you Then, it happened. Not everyone liked you. There were still those who hated you. They said you were "overused," And that "took away" from what made you a true one of your kind. And, in fact, it was these people that saw to your second downfall. We all saw it coming, we knew you were going to start dying. But even then, I kept you at my side, not because of your talents, or your looks, but because I loved you. When it finally struck, it wasn't as bad as we thought it was. You were still a good one. But they crippled your ability to be with me when I fought the Taken: the true form of Darkness. That which I yearned most to use to prove you were of the light, not the dark. But then, some still weren't happy. They claimed you were still better than all the others, so the brought you down even more, and so now, you are dead. I will always love you, though. And I miss you. I want nothing more than for them to bring you back. They brought everyone else, but two others and you, back. You will always be in my heart, and I still feel empty without you Yes, I'm talking about you, my love, the Thorn. I will always love you and miss you -general12912

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