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Общее обсуждение Destiny.
Изменено (Romeryon): 9/2/2015 6:38:50 AM

Destiny on Project Morpheus

Before I begin, I just want to clarify that I'm seriously not interested in Destiny motion control or a Destiny camera based on the gyroscope inside Project Morpheus, that would not work too well in the fast pace of action of Destiny's gameplay and it'd probably be extremely expensive and clunky anyway. However I think it would be rather neat to be able to use the VR display of Project Morpheus as a primary screen for gameplay. I love immersing myself in Destiny content and I just think that it'd be pretty neat to have a VR headset as a primary means of display. Considering PlayStation users already have the option of Remote Play on the PSVita, it doesn't seem too far fetched as a concept. I'd just like to know other people's opinions on this and hope to one day be face to face with the Darkness in a way that only Virtual Reality can deliver.

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