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Общее обсуждение Destiny.
Изменено (IntenseSenses): 4/8/2016 1:00:25 PM

Destiny Resources for New Guardians







For new Guardians who have no clue what to expect I have compiled a list of helpful resources for you to use in order to make the game more compelling and easier for you to adjust to. Please this will help you in the long run. If you are trying to learn the weapons, what makes "good rolls" on weapons and what weapons are great. PvP and PvE varies for "Whats Good." *The community can help with this. [url=]Weapons of Destiny with Stats via Planet Destiny[/url] If you are trying to learn the armor, what makes "good perks" on armor and what armor benefits you the most. *The community can help with this. [url=]Armor of Destiny with Stats via Planet Destiny[/url] If you are having trouble forming a fireteam for specific non-matchmaking events. [url=]Destiny Looking for Group- #1 option[/url] *net [url=]Destiny Looking for Group- #2 option[/url] *com If you are looking for Ghost. For Grimoire Score. *Completionist *Lore [url=]Ghost Hunter checklist and tutorials[/url] If you are looking for Calcified Fragments. *Totals are for all character, you need to find them for all characters thus you may have one on a character but not the other. Still checked off.* [url=]Calcified Fragment check list and tutorials[/url] If you are interested in stats for you character or in general are competitive. [url=]GUARDIAN.GG[/url] *ELO [url=]Destiny Tracker[/url] *DTR Score [url=]Destiny Trials Report[/url] *Trails of Osiris (Quick Tools) For news and analysis both fun and serious. [url=]MoreConsole[/url] *Youtube [url=]Planet Destiny Analysis[/url] *Page [url=]PlanetDestiny[/url] *Youtube Hope this helps!

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