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Изменено (untouchableboy): 3/26/2016 1:49:03 PM

If Queenbreakers Bow comes back...

GG my fellow guardians, I will drop you in the crucible Also Astrocyte Verse for pre-nerf Blink. Voidwalkers are about to make a major comeback Edit 1: By Crucible I mean Trials and IB for competitive play Edit 2: Mother of God.... We're Trending Edit 3: OH MY -blam!- THIS POST IS THE NUMBER ONE TRENDING THREAD IN THIS SECTION RIGHT NOW WAAAAAAAAAAAT *AIRHORNS SOUND* can i get 5 followers for no reason? Im jk haha, no but seriously im glad to see people taking so much of an interest in whats coming in the april update, there will be alot of new things that will really flip somethings on their heads, especially when it comes to pvp

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