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Изменено (Retro_Spective): 3/19/2016 1:44:48 PM

The Division's extreme loot nerf discussion. Currently an 81/100!

They nerfed the endgame content recently, turned the division into another boring grind heavy looter shooter... A few mixed reviews starting to roll out. It's a shame Massive Entertainment released this unnecessary nerf, while reviews were still in progress. Currently at an 81/100 on metacritic, with some credible reviewers giving their verdict... Interesting Forbes article on the recent endgame nerf. Do you want to run challenge mode? Make sure you've a high-end build with at least 100000 DPS. That high-end build will take some time though, unless you got geared before the nerf, can now run challenge mode endlessly, farm a shit load of phoenix credits. Dark Zone is pointless, the risks of going rouge are too severe. They should get rid of XP loss on death completely. EDIT: A lot of people in this thread, don't appear to understand the random roll stats on high-end item's. They're comparing a high-end weapon to an exotic in destiny. "There's 35 weapon talents, 3 talent slots, that's 42,857 possible outcomes, so there's a 0.000139% chance to get the perfect weapon with all 3 talents you want." - RenegadeNC Kudos to anyone who gets the song choice reference...

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