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Изменено (Razzupaltuff): 3/15/2016 2:18:32 PM

Trials Match Making

Bungie, you probably give a flying crap, but I'll post anyway. Give Trials skill based MM. That would allow less skilled players to see the lighthouse and get some nice Osiris gear, too. Right now, you either need to be a very good player or have a carry by very good players. To all those saying you need to "earn" or "deserve" the lighthouse. #1 I have earned to right to all game content including the lighthouse when purchasing this game. #2 This is a game. I have to earn enough irl. #3 Most, if not all ppl, saying you have to earn it by your skill are self entitled teenagers who haven't earned anything of value in their lives. Hence you have nothing to contribute and can kindly STFU. Funny enough, many of those teenagers deem it perfectly legit to carry unskilled friends to the lighthouse. How does that fit to your "logic" of having to earn it? So, hell yeah, give Trials skill based MM!

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