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Общее обсуждение Destiny.
3/10/2016 8:40:30 PM

Why Destiny's Story Failed

I saw another post about why somebody thought Destiny's story failed but here's my input. I thought the problem was that Bungie tried jamming too many enemies and stories into one super story. Instead of focusing on one enemy, one goal with many significant steps, Bungie focused on many enemies with many weak goals with many insignificant steps. Nothing correlated with each other. Every enemy felt weak and just an obstacle rather than being the force we were trying to defeat. At the end of a level, nothing had changed. The enemy was no greater a threat. The enemy was still nothing more than an obstacle between point A and B instead of being the reason we were reaching for point B. Because they attempted to incorporate so many different enemies and stories, they failed to put a lot quality and detail into one primary threat and goal. This is why TTK was such a hit. One huge bad MF who threatens the universe? Our mission was clear and so was the threat/story. One enemy and one story allowed Bungie to focus on and put effort into one area of focus. Don't get me wrong, Destiny's universe is beautiful and filled with promise. Aliens, fantasy and space magic? What's not to love? But until Bungie can incorporate all these enemies into one strong story instead of many weak stories, Destiny will continue to fail. The recycled levels and seemingly pointless adventures is a whole other story.
#Destiny #Eru

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