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2/29/2016 3:46:02 AM

Fix your loot drops...

For the love of God, please fix the loot drops! We all know they're broken. Nightfall, Shaxx bounties, Raids, regular crucible and most recently Iron Banner! How do I have three characters at rank 5 which took HOURS to grind to get there yet I've only had one sniper and one rocket launcher drop in post game rewards????? That's it? Yeah yeah I know RNG blah blah blah the drop rates are so low for weapons but seems like I get a pair of gauntlets every couple of matches. You can say it's RNG but it's clearly skewed towards low drop rates to increase play time and get people to grind. Basically carrot on a stick that people chase but when you get there, no carrot. Nothing worth our time. Just a pair of 286 gloves lol just like drops are total garbage on raid bosses when they're not challenge mode. 311 ghost on HM Oryx tonight and that's it. No weapon, no gear, just another useless item. Really wish the "smart" loot system actually existed throughout the whole game because it would be a great thing to get something close to your light level. I could go on for a while on this subject so I'll stop it here but last thing I'll say is I still love the game, play it all the time. Just not as much as I used to because the grind is getting old. We need more content and hopefully this spring update will give us just that...

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