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Общее обсуждение Destiny.
Изменено (ChiefKain): 2/21/2016 12:29:01 PM

Shortgaze Dethroned?

So yea maybe shortgaze isn't the best scope for snipers.. If you look at the numbers in the link you'll find Longview 10 has more aim assist. And I know it isn't all about aim assist, but longview also provides the same viewing range as shortgaze & ambush as its a similar archetype of scope being that it's only .5x more zoom(from 4.5x to 5x zoom). Pair it with snapshot and it'll aim faster than shortgaze w/o snapshot. So with hidden hand + longview on the 1k stare you'd actually end up with some of the highest aim assist values possible. What do you snipers think about this? Edit: this post has had more replies than anything I've ever posted lol.... Cool to see lots of snipers sharing their thoughts... Most say ambush is beat. snappy & agile handling outweighs aim assist. I guess though it's totally up to the wielders preference

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