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впервые опубликовано в:The Travellers Resistance
Изменено (Wraithian): 10/19/2014 9:53:06 AM

Acts Of Valor/Travellers Resistance - The Clan Name.

Travellers Resistance


Acts Of Valor


Others? Post a suggestion below!


Hi all! Today I'm going to talk about the clan name. To some people, a clan is a great place to meet people, have fun with friends and play together, either in a small community or a large community with plenty of player options. Some like the security of knowing there will always be at least someone online, some do it only for the trophies and the achievements of playing together, while others see it as a group to back and stand for in PvP and competitively. Its for these reasons that a clan name is important to some people. None of us want to jump into a match of Rumble, come top of the leaderboard for everyone to see and instead of basking in the glory of your heroic victory, you're met by a host of players who are laughing at them fateful few words under your PSN Name. In them cases, you want a name that advertises you as a player to be, 1. a glorified badass, and 2. part of a community that people will remember and may even want to join. I have never had any issues with our clan names, Dan was the name founder of Travellers Resistance and myself came up with Acts Of Valor. This clan isn't under strict ownership of a few people, its everyones who's a member. Its your clan, so lets have your say. For that reason, Im opening this thread to discuss new clan names, vote on either of our previous two names and to come up with a final name to stick that we will all be happy with going forward. I also aim to heavily expand the clan going into christmas with the first Destiny DLC and its Raid, 'Crota's End' coming. If you know of anyone you play with now who isn't in a clan, or is but isn't currently happy, let them know about us, get them to play with us, and join us. Our main goal is to include everyone and always play together, no one gets left out, and having more clan members we can play with, get on with and have great gaming experiences with means there will always be someone around so that we can live up to that clan promise. Thank you, and see you all online! Wraithian

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