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Общее обсуждение Destiny.
Изменено (SlyRawnic): 2/16/2016 8:56:40 PM

Just went flawless a few hours before reset and...

...I finally got a twilight garrison! First time doing trials in months and this trials weekend was pretty fun. After buying 9 chest engrams from xur and getting 9 Armamentariums at 290 light whilst being ~313 at the time of opening in the hopes of getting a twilight garrison, I thought RNGsus just wouldn't let me have it. Until tonight that is. What did you get this week from trials matches/lighthouse/packages? Or from the raid? Edit: some people seem to not grasp the idea that horrible RNG luck is a thing and so is the possibility of getting 290 exotics from the cryptarch even above 310 light.

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