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впервые опубликовано в: Video Gaming has Become a Hostile Community.
Изменено (MarcG420): 2/16/2016 3:18:13 PM
What a hypocrite you are. [spoiler]and a joke[/spoiler] [spoiler]if you don't like what people say, ignore them. It's an open forum where people can say what they want. The adult thing to do is to ignore those whose message angers you or upsets you. [b][i][u]you seem incapable of that though and feel the need to ram your ideas and thoughts down others' throats though which is why people tend to be negative and aggressive towards you. People don't like it when the ignorant (you) try to act smarter than others.[/u][/i][/b][/spoiler] [spoiler]and for god's sake, learn the difference between than and then[/spoiler]

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