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впервые опубликовано в: Video Gaming has Become a Hostile Community.
2/15/2016 12:50:54 PM
Very well said. I like having discussions with people even if we have different opinions on a certain game. I like to know why they enjoy a game or don't. It's hard to find people like that though because it usually turns into something like "that game sucks, it's pure crap" sounding as if their opinion is truth. Everyone feels they are spreading facts when they express their opinion on something, it's annoying as hell and has ruined many gaming communities. It's also annoying when people assume somebody is a fanboy because they like something. Everyone has different opinions and we all need to act like adults about things. One thing I cannot stand is anything to do with console wars. Who cares what system you play on, we're all enjoying games regardless of platform, so why do so many people care or bash other people with different preferences? I agree that everyone really needs to start being friendly with one another, but forums are always full of dicks who feel their opinions are "better" than somebody else's. Reign of bane sets a good example and more people should follow him, he's much like yourself, just trying to spread actual gaming discussions. No fanboying, no judging someone's opinions, no console war crap, let's just talk about games. I've honestly thought about leaving these forums as they're filled with hatred and fanboys galore, but there's a few of you out there that keep me from doing so. I'm glad to see there are at least a few decent people out there trying to make the gaming community a better place. Happy gaming!

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