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Изменено (dellydrew): 2/10/2016 2:09:57 AM

An open letter to the Dev Team

Hey there, let me start by saying, I do not intend to stop playing Destiny any time soon. No, my addiction is much deeper seated than that! I only occasionally peek into the forums to see which overpowered gun is upsetting the most people this week in the crucible. Over the last few weeks though I have seen more and more posts about what’s wrong in Destiny, there are many people and many opinions, some I agree with and some that I don’t, I remember similar posts before the dark below and prison dlc’s dropped. Finally after a few weeks of thinking about it, here is my opinion on the state of my favourite video game. Communication, or lack of it! Bungie prides itself on the quality of it’s game, indeed DeeJ is here just for us… but recently the communication has slipped, previously the development team would be giving the player a feel for the big things that are slowly building, a carrot to keep us interested. But at the moment there seems very little carrot, the only information forthcoming seems to excitedly brief us on the little events that have been developed. DeeJ and team, you mentioned that there would be a large update in the first quarter of 2016, now I know goalposts have a habit of moving and you don’t want to be held to anything you say… but saying nothing at all isn’t helping! We are with you on this journey and we all love this game, a little information from you would go a long way to helping us understand what you are doing! Content. I love the Destiny universe, all of it, every bit has a part to play and it is fun to play. Whether it was initial content or one of the many dlc additions, it is very evident that the developers have put a whole lot of effort into what they do. But looking at the game today, we are only playing in a small corner of this universe. To me, it seems to be that, every update discards everything that came before. After the crota raid dropped the vault was second class. Now we have the taken king leaving two raids no longer relevant and roughly a third of the possible strikes are available to do at the highest level. I am sure that there is a reason for this but please can you let us know why? After all the raids used to have a normal and hard level, so why not a year 2 level? As a Guardian, I look at Destiny at the start of 2016 and it feels like the scorched face of Mercury, not a great deal to stands out, the occasional ephemeral mirage that is a weekly/monthly event. The place is feeling empty, in the howl of the wind I am left unsure that I can hear the voice of Osiris anymore. So come on Dev Team, throw us a bone, give us a sign that the future in this beautiful universe is going to be as exciting as the journey so far. I know i have already posted this in the destiny forum but think that this should be posted here in the feedback forum. Regards A Guardian

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