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2/5/2016 4:32:08 AM

Fabian Strategy Hate?

I'd heard a lot of people say the Fabian Strategy sucks, so I never bothered to put the time in to the Gunsmith Rank to get it until a few days ago. I just got the Fabian Strategy last night and, honestly, I don't see what it is that people don't like. Is it a top-tier exotic weapon? No, probably not. But it's fun to mess around with in strikes and whatnot. I plan on using it in a few PvP games tonight just to see how I fare with it, but for now, I'd like to get a sample of what it is you guys and gals find to be unsatisfactory with the Fabian Strategy. My only complaint (this is more so with the perk itself than the gun) is that Crowd Control disappears so freaking quick, other than that I really like this thing so far. So please, when replying, cite specific things about the gun that you don't like. Don't respond with "it sucks" or some generic BS like that.

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