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Общее обсуждение Destiny.
Изменено (Molander): 1/27/2016 11:54:57 PM

Iron Banner + Rift = A Bad Experience

Stick with what we know: Control


I want new: New monthly Iron Banner types


I like this: Keep Rift


Look, I'm all for new ideas, but I'm more for equal playing ground, and that's what Iron Banner Control exactly is. Let me explain my side of this. Players old and new know exactly whats at the gate when they enter the area control the zones and get gain score, Easy. Strategy is easy to go on and super simple to people just getting into the iron banner, But Rift is a different monster. You grab the orb that EVERYONE huddles around and score is going on the entire time. So say your team is doing amazing with rift slams but garbage on kills. You lose due to that. Your team does pretty great with kills but the opposing team grabs the ball EveryTime. Killing the ball carrier gives you 200, the ball carrier die give 500. That doesn't even make sense (in my opinion). There should be a risk reward system (like with control) either A: only get score from smashes and lose points when your carier is killed. B: Only the defenders can gain points during the ball carry stage until the rift is closed or ball carrier dies and no ball drop bonuses (a fancy ribbon maybe but no extra points) or C: <--- Happy face) just remove the ball drop points entirely. I know I seem focused on that but it's for a good reason, hear me out. This is the Iron banner. The Mother Hugging No Holds Bar Iron BANNER!! When you win or lose, it feels deserved, you didnt step up or your team work skills are lacking (or vice versa for winners). you cant throw in "Well you tried so you still win" trophies. We join the banner for the fair challenge and interesting game play, if freebies are thrown in then there is zero point to even making it an intense fight and don't you dare tell me your not using this game type to force people to try rift. I know that's what it is and it's selfish. I hate to point fingers but using an event that your ENTIRE COMMUNITY looks forward to to just push a game type that (let's agree) could be better, is low. Super freakin' low. on and end note. I will compete, I will rage and I will loath every undeserved loss my team earns. Next time you wanna try something new Bungie, Set up a poll and let your community decide. you know... The group pretty much paying you to eat. Still much love with hateful words, Commander Molander P.S. To the community, which of the Poll Entries would you prefer for the future of the Iron Banner. Leave it in the comments and let Bungie know exactly how you guys fair with this. <3 Also, Leave some comments on how you feel about the Iron Banner Now and Past (no vulgarity please) MAORE H<3ARTS!!!

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