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впервые опубликовано в:Brotherhood of Xur
1/29/2016 1:34:52 PM

BoX Podcast Ep. 32

Cuban Sounded Like A Badass Stormtrooper today.


Cuban, did you use a Campbell's or Progresso Soup


This week on the 32nd installment of the Brotherhood of Xûr Podcast!!! Kind of a dry week for Destiny this week apart from the majors of news that Bungie CEO has stepped down and been replaced by the COO. Apart from that we recap the Iron Banner Niftiness in all its glory this week as well as talk about last minute predictions for Crimson Days. Finally, go watch the movie Oblivion if you haven't already and be amazed. All that plus the usual non-sense around Xûr's inventory and what is worth it. (if anything...) and make sure you vote on whether Cuban cgar sounded more like a cool Stormtrooper or a kid with a can on a strong in this week's show! [url=]ENJOY HERE![/url]

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