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Общее обсуждение Destiny.
1/27/2016 6:05:10 AM

So Many Whine

Holy crap, you people complaining about Iron Banner and Rift and matchmaking and quitters and losing matches and weapons and supers and nerfs and lack of nerfs and PvP and PvE and strikes and raids and nightfall and rewards and 3oC's and lack of DLC and current content not still fresh after thousands of hours of gameplay and micro transactions and the death of Destiny and the Death of Bungie and WTF! Boo -blam!-ing hoo. It's a game. That's [i]all[/i] it is. Having an opinion is fine. Expressing it is fine. But this! This asinine level of completely unjustified self-entitled petulant and persistent whining about an [i]entertainment[/i] product - wow! Just -blam!-ing wow! Pathetic.
#Destiny #STFU

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