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9/23/2015 12:56:20 AM

Firebolt Question

Before the 2.0 update two firebolt grenades could take down some, not all, and one firebolt grenade never killed a guardian with full health. So with that said, why nerf firebolt and voidfang vestments ability to spawn with two grenades? Kinda seems like overkill. On top of that, why nerf the grenade output during our super? With the new ttk armor I have my discipline at tier five with a 25 second cooldown and it still does not do what it used to. Now with that said, I'm not against other classes nor their abilities. I've never really even cared how the game changed. Just love the way it plays and still do. Just want my grenades back. If anyone fills the same let them know. If not, it's all cool, tell me what I'm not seeing here. Either way thanks for replying.

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  • [quote]Before the 2.0 update two firebolt grenades could take down some, not all, and one firebolt grenade never killed a guardian with full health. So with that said, why nerf firebolt and voidfang vestments ability to spawn with two grenades? Kinda seems like overkill. On top of that, why nerf the grenade output during our super? With the new ttk armor I have my discipline at tier five with a 25 second cooldown and it still does not do what it used to. Now with that said, I'm not against other classes nor their abilities. I've never really even cared how the game changed. Just love the way it plays and still do. Just want my grenades back. If anyone fills the same let them know. If not, it's all cool, tell me what I'm not seeing here. Either way thanks for replying.[/quote] Completely and respectfully disagree. The burn damage is already capable of taking any guardian from full health to one bullet away from death not to mention that it removes you from the fight for a very long time if you don't die. Already the best grenade in the game by a wide margin.

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