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Общее обсуждение Destiny.
Изменено (SuperWood44): 1/22/2016 4:35:26 AM

Thanks Bungee! No matter what the fourms say.

In betweeen all the tryhard players screaming for nerfs and saying crucible is so laggy and that bungee sucks and we should all boycot and quit playing, there are very few people like me who love destiny. So what if it lags, all games do, no game is perfect! Ive been playing games like dark void and getting destiny was the best thing ever! I wake up in the morning and cant wait to play. And all of you people who complain about the smallest things need to play a different and see that they are as bad as bungee or even worse! So lets all say something different, thank you bungee for all the time and effort you put in to destiny. Its a great game no madder what anybody says!

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