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1/19/2016 8:55:48 AM

Fading Spirits Gaming ☠ Mature 18+ Clan ☠ ALL platforms

Fading Spirits is a returning Group. We use to have a group that was a year old, but was taken down due to children and drama messing up alot of it. And now we are coming back to make things better. Fading Spirits Gaming is(now) a 18+ older group. There is to be no kids under the age of 18 in the group, thouh we are sure there are some that have slipped under the raider on us. We are recruiting anyone that's onALL Platforms, in the US and the UK/ GMT areas! With that being said, we have goals that we want to achieve and we aren't stopping until we reach those goals. This group plays to have fun but doesn't mind a little competition, as long it doesn't get out of hand. Trust me when you join, you'll be glad you did. Here we strive to be all we can be, and take the top of the boards. We don't just play Destiny, we do like to stretch out to other games as well, so keep that in mind. What we expect of you: 1. Respect- don't be racist, sexist or make fun of anyone in the clan!! 2. Be mature- we expect all players to be grown ups and handle a couple cuss words here and there. Also along with being mature is being patient. 3. Selflessness - be willing to help fellow clan members who are having trouble with a game. 4. Have fun- always have fun! Times might get tough but the team will get through anything that Bungie(and others) throws at us. 5. Be ACTIVE!! If you're not using our own customized chat app to communicate with clan members, then we will relieve you from the clan. 6. Growth- Ideas to help better impact the group is always a plus. Work with us, and we will work with you. What we have to offer: 1. An integrated chat app system within our website and mobile devices. 2. Register on our website to stay in touch with everyone in the clan on all games. 3. Set events for us, and you to host all the same. 4. Event Calenders - For even you to set up your own event times and such for others to see. 5. Tournaments to take part in. 6. And so much more. Social Media: Follow & Like us!! ✯This is our way to recognize our dedicated and successful players to the world✯ Sponsors: - If you want to check out our clan page on Bungie, here's the link: Any and all questions you have we will answer. :)

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