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Изменено (TRoHiiT): 1/18/2016 6:11:54 PM

Abyss Asylum PvP PS4 Clan!

Abyss Asylum is looking for highly skilled guardians to expand our PvP dominance. I am the PvP coordinator for our clan and am looking for more good PvP players to join me. Going flawless each weekend in the Trials is just the start for us and we will grow as the game grows with us through Destiny 2 and beyond. Even though we are building a very strong PvP presence, we are not a PvP only clan. Abyss Asylum has scheduled weekly raids for both normal and hard mode with our raid experts and we regularly help each other out in the PvE side of things, but I am focused on PvP. I’m looking for the PvP guys out there that need a home and are looking to move their way to the top with other good players. I myself have gone flawless multiple times on XB1 and now PS4 since I recently started. Requirements to join: 1) Be at least 17 years of age for adult humor, language, and maturity. 2) Have at least 1.25 K/D ratio in Crucible or tell me why we should otherwise consider you. 3) Demonstrate excellent communication. Be willing to help out and talk to each other so we know what is going on. This is key in small team matches. 4) Be a team player. Don’t get salty, and expect sweaty games with a level head. No one likes ragers. If you are interested in trying out, or if you have any questions please contact me by replying to this message. I will PM you after checking your stats. Let’s get this going and move our way to the top, taking out one team at a time. Let’s be made. It’s up to you now, guardian…

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