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1/18/2016 6:06:18 AM

How does the fireteam promo work? (Free 300 gun for an "activity.")

The other day, I received an e-mail from Bungie (checked, legit) saying that if I did one (1) "activity" (besides visit tower/reef) with a "fireteam" by end-of-day on 1/19, that I'd get a legendary 300 gun engram on 1/21. However, there is no link for details. So, here are my questions: 1. What do you mean by "fireteam?" MUST it be 6 people or can I do an "activity" with one other friend? 2. What is an "activity?" Would doing Court of Oryx in a Dreadnaught patrol count? What about plain patrol? Or does it have to be a strike/story/raid/Crucible event? 3. How do we know if we've met the criteria by 1/19?

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