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Изменено (PureGewalt): 1/12/2016 4:08:26 PM

Hey Bungie let me fix your game

Do it


No, this game should die


No because?...


It's a joke you guys need months no years to balance you game let your players do the thinking. Now here are my solutions for the current state Crucible is in and by no means I'm a Crucible pro, no I don't like or play it because of all its lag issues. [b]Primary Weapons[/b] [i]Autorifles[/i] Buff them by more than 0.04 % they are underpowered! I think this community is done with your X% buffs and I won't talk in % either. High Rate of Fire - 16 Damage per crit Mid Rate of Fire - 21 per crit Low Rate of Fire - 27 per crit - increase Focused Fire damage so it doesn't lower the Time to Kill - give Autorifles with low mag size +2 Agility [i]Pulse Rifles[/i] fix Slow firing Pulse Rifles, typical Bungie screw up - 36 damage per crit for Pulses like Messenger - 27 damage per crit for Lyudmila [i]Scout Rifles[/i] - no changes [i]Hand Canons[/i] - add a little more flinch they aren't really used besides the exotic ones, why? they give you no advantage what so ever [b]Hawkmoon[/b] I can't let this go by you completly ruined this Weapon Increace it's Range by at least 20 if not 30 and fix the stupid recoil on other Balistics no wonder Agressiv Ballisitcs are the go to! Planet Destiny made a great Review about it by the way. [b]Special Weapons[/b] [i]Snipers:[/i] - keep them the way they are, their current state has [u]nothing[/u] to do with aim assist its just lag that spreads the hitbox [i]Shotguns:[/i] - undo every nerf yes no slow draw times no reduced Movement Speed - buffed Damage in PvE - increaced Range on all Shotguns with a base Range of 20 or lower. Range Upgrades [u]shouldn't[/u] be a must! [i]Sidearms[/i] - add more Diversity they feel the same thats because they are all the same. There should be some without Recoil and some with huge Range. Add full auto while we are at it. The burst fire mode should be unique on Dreg's Promise but here comes the next Problem. - the Travel Time of non Hakke Sidearms is ridiculous, remember? they were a joke in House of Wolves. So boost it on all or add Tracking to Dreg's Promise. [i]Fusion Rifles[/i] oh boy its a shame we I have to even say this - Buff [b]Stability[/b] how did it even get nerfed in the first place? was it a "typo"? I can clearly read "Increased Stability while ADS or crouched" - More Ammo the Reason everyone liked Queenbreakers Bow was because of its gigantic Ammo Reserves so why just one Weapon? - Swap Extended Mag with Enhanced Battery whats the point of one more Shot, this isn't very important but hey why not? [i]Crucible[/i] - No spawning with Special Ammo unless you join in a on going Match You should not allow running around with Specials as Primarys. If you wanna use them go find some Ammo. This lead to some interesting Tactics in Trials. [b]Heavy Weapons[/b] [i]Rocket Launchers[/i] - reduce Stability and increace Velocity or Explosion Radius. I have no Idea why Stability is even a Thing on Rocket Launchers just like why Dragon's breath needs Fire Rate with a Mag Size of 1. - Increase Ammo for Machine Guns both Reserves and Magazine. This doesn't need any comment. Sooo what are your thoughts on my Weapon Tuning? If you have great Ideas for other fixes I would like to hear them or if you see things different than I do.

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