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Изменено (Shiki): 1/7/2016 10:35:39 PM

Why do certain "groups" of people generally smoke a certain type of cigarette?

This is something i've always been curious about... [b][u]In my time working retail, i have noticed:[/u][/b] -African Americans typically smoke Newport -Asians typically smoke Camel Menthol Silver -Caucasians typically smoke Marlboro Gold -Hispanics typically smoke Marlboro Red -Hipsters and Hippies typically smoke American Spirit -Trashy people typically smoke Waves -Older White Women typically smoke Virginia Slim (Purse Pack) Obviously it isn't always this way, but most of the time this is pretty accurate where i work. Has anyone noticed this? And if so, [b]why do you think this happens?[/b] [b][i]If you're a smoker: What do you smoke?[/i][/b]

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