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Изменено (MsAmberKat): 1/11/2016 1:09:57 AM

Touch of Elegance looking for fun, mature players || PS4 & XB1 || 18+ Preferred

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Poll Question: What Would You Like to See Bungie Add to Destiny? We are Touch of Elegance and currently we are looking to add more members to our group (clan when there is enough people that wish to be one). Mainly an adult group (18+ with exceptions for those who are 16+ and can prove they are mature individuals unless they were invited to join by current members). Ideas I may implement with enough members: * Weekly Raid nights (like maybe every tuesday night or something like that). * more to add (free to suggest any that you have) If you have any questions, don't be afraid to ask, I don't bite... Honestly I'm probably more afraid of you, incredibly shy and quiet person here, but trying to branch out and make some friends! Note: I am a mother, so my playing time may be sporadic for the time being, which also means, I am more forgiving if you are only able to play so much as well. I just hope everyone that joins has a fun time, that is my main and ultimate goal~!

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