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Общее обсуждение Destiny.
1/8/2016 7:26:26 AM

Should you begin Trials/Elimination rounds with no special ammo?





Just something that occurred to me last night whilst playing crucible. How would it change trials if special ammo only spawned on the map or/and even with a timer of around 1 minute or so and you'd start each round with no special ammo. Since Trials have become more or less a specials fest. Run to point X from spawn and pull out your sniper and wait. Naturally the placements of the special ammo crates would affect the dynamic of the round a lot. It might make for interesting gameplay. For example if you place two special ammo crates on the map both with equal distance to each spawn. Then you might get a primary battle for a crate or you might not. It would certainly make for some variation to the way things are now, which are getting a bit stale.

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